Factors To Consider For Improved Harvest Of Auto Flowering Cannabis

Auto-flowering cannabis offers many fascinating benefits that allows the most inexperienced grower to cultivate a cannabis plant with amazingly considerable success.

An Auto-flowering cannabis plant has many distinctive advantages over conventional cannabis plants. For this reason it makes them suitable for cultivation mostly (but not only) for beginners. The most appealing advantages of Auto-flowering plant is hinged on the fact that it’s not affected by the 12/12 stipulated light cycle that is required for conventional cannabis plant to grow and produce flower. An auto-flowering seed is relatively convenient when compared to regular cannabis with a higher level of resilience that makes it suitable to grow in variety of conditions. There are a lot of guides on the web for learning more.

While the auto-flowering is suitable for a variety of acceptable reasons, the dwarfish Ruderalis strain which is one of the major strains of auto-flowering cannabis is remarkably short. While cultivating these type of strains is very effective in concealing the cannabis plants from law enforcement that constantly rummage for cannabis fields and from the leisurely cannabis gatherers who are often attracted by noticeable cannabis gardens, there is a major shortcoming of significantly lower harvest which is caused by the shortness of those cannabis strains.

Apparently, having low harvest is not suitable for the economic gains of potential and existing cannabis growers who seek to make a considerable high income from cannabis production. But since you can grow 2 times during one season, that can be a very tempting solution.

Here are a variety of factors to consider for an improved harvest:

  • Consider the strain: Nowadays there’s a huge selection of cannabis seeds in the US. Make a detailed search on the cannabis strains available and choose the ones that are genetically designed to provide you with a big yield. It’s imperative that the grower carefully consider the right cannabis strain as there are many that have been hybridized for higher production.
  • Create a fantastic root: Building a healthy and strong root of any plant is one of the most important parts of the cultivation process that must be carefully considered for your cannabis to thrive. Moreover as an Auto seed has a little time to build a body that will give the valuable fruits, it’s even more important that the soil is fertile enough to supply the plant with all it needs to grow. The use of coco in potting mixtures allows the soil to soften in ways that allow more air around the roots of plants while facilitating water retention which are particularly relevant in making roots resilient and vitalized for rapid plant growth and flowering. Cultivating microorganisms that are instrumental to vigorous root is also necessary.
  • The importance of lighting: lighting is crucial to the development and flowering of cannabis plant. Ensuring an arrangement that provides cannabis plants with significant amounts of light would certainly encourage growth and flowering of the cannabis. Just like another plant unrestricted access to sunlight for photosynthesis is crucial to growth and productivity. In instances where an average of 12 hours of sunlight is not an absolute certainty, other forms of artificial lighting should be introduced
  • Fertilizer and watering: fertilizers can be used to boost harvest of any Auto seed coming from cannabis seeds. Water and Fertilizers can increase your yield exponentially. The periodic application of fertilizers has to be done periodically while considering the life cycle of the cannabis plant. Also watering the cannabis plant would help moisten the soil for deeper root penetration and nutrient tapping that improves cannabis growth and harvest. But you have to be careful not to burn your plants with a lot of fertilizers and a lot of water. Just keep an eye on their growth and give them a little more but not a lot.

Strictly incorporating the various considerations would certainly provoke a bountiful auto-flowering cannabis harvest that would translate into substantial economic gains.

The post Factors To Consider For Improved Harvest Of Auto Flowering Cannabis appeared first on Mrs. Nice Guy.